Friday, March 28, 2008

Asparagus Pee

It is the time of spring, the time when the baby asparagus piles are so lovingly cheap at the grocery store (and yet the snow still falls - 20 fresh cm at Whitewater ski hill this morning). One of the things I love about Brian is all the neat bits I learn from him. For example, when we first ate asparagus together, he informed me of something called 'asparagus pee'. I had never heard of such a thing. He is, unfortunately or otherwise, plagued with 'asparagus pee' every time he eats the green goods. Basically, the next pee you have after eating asparagus is all smelly -- BUT, only if you have the asparagus gene. Huh? Yeah, so we looked it up on Wikipedia yesterday and here's what we read:

Asparagus and urine

Marcel Proust claimed that asparagus "...transforms my chamber-pot into a flask of perfume."

Some of the constituents of asparagus are metabolized and excreted in the urine, giving it a distinctive smell. This is due to various sulfur-containing degradation products (e.g. thiols and thioesters) and ammonia. Recent studies suggest that every individual produces the odorous compounds upon eating, but that only about 40% of individuals have the genes required to smell them.[10][11] The speed of onset of urine smell is rapid, and has been estimated to occur within 15-30 minutes from ingestion.[12]

I don't know who Marcel Proust is, but that's one heck of a quote. So lucky am I that I don't have the genes to smell the 'perfume' of asparagus pee. After reading this blurb, however, I am curious to eat asparagus and see if Brian can smell said 'perfume' from my pee. I'll let you know.


At 8:53 a.m., March 31, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ah, yes, asparagus pee. I too have the gene. The first time I experienced it I catastrophized all kinds of medical disasters. And, by the way, if you had asparagus pee you wouldn't need Brian to sniff it out!

By the way, Marcel Proust wrote " Remembrance of Things Past," considered to be one of the best books ever written. D highly recommends it. Proust writes descriptive sentences that run on to half pages. Trust Proust to even romanticize pee. I can't read Proust without falling asleep. Even if D reads me passages aloud (which he is want to do), I fall into a trance-like state. But, if you have read Proust (which I haven't) you can pretend to be a literary force. But, then only if other people know who he is.



At 1:48 p.m., March 31, 2008, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm... fascinating blog entry, Dee. I learned more than I ever wanted to know on the phenomenon of a/p. Truly.


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