Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Cable Bay Loop Diddy Loop

Yesterday was outstanding... A sleep in, then coffee with Nashi, our upstairs neighbor, then homemade potato pancakes (!!!)... Following the pancakes (ooober good, thanks Brian), we put our bikes in the car and drove out to Cable Bay, a small community about 15 km from our neck of the woods, The Glen. We ditched the car at the ocean side parking lot (a gravel patch next to the beach), and rode our bikes back home along the road, making it past the sign that reads, "Soft Annie's Saddle, 90m" (which makes road signs in the Rockies at 1400m seem slightly less than ridiculous). Once we got home, we changed clothes and started hiking up the mountain trails from our place along the coastline and up the hills over to Cable Bay. It was SO BEAUTIFUL (as if capital letters actually indicate that it was so much better than "so beautiful"). First stop on the photo tour is a pic of The Glen, and our house being second from the left at the bottom corner. Pretty sweet, we think.
The day was gorgeous. A balmy 11 degrees Celsius, no wind, and no clouds in sight.
Part way through the hike, we stopped for a snack. I had the choice of a healthy apple or a rather unhealthy cookie, so I took four cookies.
Our fellow hikers were not human, they were sheep, cattle, and goats, with their main activity being eating the trail, not really hiking it.
As we approached Cable Bay along the ridge line, the coast was fantabulously gorgeous, made even more so by the golden colours painted from the setting sun.
What may appear as not so pretty were the many, many piles of poop we came across. One in particular made me question how much poop can a poop-cow poop if a poop-cow could poop poop. The answer lies in the next photo (keep in mind that I wear a size 11 shoe):
We also found many skid marks - no, not of that kind, rather real skid marks in the mud going down the steep hill towards the beach. The sheep must really be givin' er when they book it down hill:
The hike ended with a lovely golden-kissed view of Cable Bay (a place we'd like to kayak sometime soon):
... plus our car waiting to take us back home, and a sweet view of the sunset over the water:
So, all in all, a splendid outing for us yesterday. Today so far, however, brought clouds and cooler weather, 8 hours of work for Brian at Kathmandu, and a job interview for me at 2:00, and then spaghetti potluck party tonight! I've been gearing up for this for a week now, I hope at least a couple people show up...


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