Monday, June 18, 2007

The House Rocks

The other night, when the whole moose versus horse thing came about, Brian and I were on our way to the pub to watch a rugby game with all our coworkers from Kathmandu. The world famous and number one All Blacks were playing Canada and the kiwi's thought the Canucks were going to get squashed. One guy put a $25,000 bet on a 71 score difference... Heh heh, the Canadians can give their knickers a yank when they need to: the final score was 64 to 13. That'll be $25,000 please. And as for our new place of establishment, we've really scored... BIG. It's awesome. Check out the sunset from the beach other night:
And here's the kitchen/livingroom/familyroom/dining room/entry way:
The next picture is the same as above but from a different angle making the place appear spacious and luxurious (oh, and note the posters on the wall - free decorations from work):
Here's the view from our deck, complete with blooming flowers in the winter (huh?) and the teeniest view of the ocean down the hill:
Our plant collection includes a basil plant, a mint plant, a corriander plant, and what used to have two flowers but now has one because we squashed it in the car on the way home plant:
So things are going well. Work is about to get insanely busy with the 50% off winter sale starting on Thursday (the reason we were hired, so we shouldn't complain). Today is our only day off this week, so we'll go for a hike later on to make the most of this sunny and stupendous day. And to top off the splendicity (is that a word?) of today, Brian made scones and they make our place smell like a bakery -- oh yummy yum yum.


At 6:54 a.m., June 20, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...


your new abode looks so warm, so cozy, so bright, so full-o-love! Just little note to say hi from me - good luck with the work craziness.

loads of love,


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