Monday, June 18, 2007

The Horse Will Burn - er, the Sphynx Will Burn

I laughed pretty hard at all the comments we got on our online battle of horse versus moose. There are an overwhelming number of votes in favour of the moose being bigger, with the exception of Brian's brother, Gerald, who must only be in agreement with Brian because he's a blood relative and hasn't yet seen the ugly blanket due to be burned should the moose win. I'm sure you've all been anxiously awaiting the revealing of the one and only blanket of wasted recycled pop cans. Well, here it is: Ugh... I'm embarrassed to put that photo on my blog, but yes, my future husband actually paid the equivalent of 40 minutes of his salary at Kathmandu for that rubbish blanket. And what's worse is that his efforts will be destroyed because I think he's lost our friendly little bet.
I think the blanket should burn, don't get me wrong, but I feel the need to ask you normal (somewhat normal) folks if you agree with me, or if you can find some reason to keep the blanket - or at least come up with a better use for it than proudly displayed across our couch or, heaven forbid, our bed.


At 8:00 p.m., June 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay. i appreciate, if nothing else, your environ-sentimentalism. i think burning that blanket would cost a lot in carbontax!

how about a beach/outside won't show the dirt! LOL yikes! maybe, to make it less scary, you could cut it up in 'granny squares' and re-patch it togetherin in a mottled shape - thus making the blanket a 'make-work-project' to help you through the long dark NZ winter could line it with flannel so it wouldn't feel so GROSS.

(i have one hidden deep in the closet of my old room at home that my father gave me for christmas a million years ago - not a pharoah, instead the wolves howling at the moon. i'm not soure which is worse.)

you see, Brian, that's the problem with those blankets. the feel gross...i liken them to motel bedding - no matter how many times you launder them, they always feel just a little bit slimy and you just don't know who was there last.

there are always emergency shelters that take bedding to give out to people on the street, too :)


At 8:06 p.m., June 18, 2007, Blogger Dee said...


Oh how I love you! I've been trying to describe to Brian just how icky the blanket really is, but I couldn't come up with the right words. You've done it dear sister, you've done it perfectly: motel bedding...

And I like the idea of cutting it up and putting it back together in hopes of achieving a better look, however, perhaps I should consider saving my scissors and thread and investing in some dye instead?

At 11:23 p.m., June 18, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, I'm as much a fan of a good bonfire as anyone. Except maybe Dee. Speaking of which, Brian, did Dee ever tell you about her highschool english assignment, "If I had a _____ I would ________"? No? Right. Ask her.

But burning the blanket? I mean, REALLY burning the blanket? Hmmm. I hesitate, and I know not why.

Jann Ticknor is surely right. A motel blanket it surely is. But to burn it?

Here's my suggestion. Roadkill. That's right. Roadkill. Find some, and give it a good proper burial. Dig a hole, wrap it in that blanket, and bury it forever. The irony of ironies would be if your roadkill happened to be a moose.

Really sorry, Brian. But you did totally lose that bet....


At 6:50 a.m., June 20, 2007, Blogger Unknown said...

well, perhaps this vote comes a bit late: but as for burning the blanket - well - that thing is hideous, there's just no getting away with it! If burning it weren't likely to release some dangerous toxins in to the atmosphere from what I'm sure are some absolutely fabulously plastic fibres bringing that aweful image to life (in a blanket?! What was Brian thinking!?) - then my vote would surely be: burn it. Although, maybe burryng it might suffice?

What do you think?

love to you both,


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