Thursday, May 31, 2007

Grape Fun!

The other day, the neighbor came over to meet Brian and me, and she brought some fruit from her backyard: grapes from her vine and some feijoas (excerpt from Mirriam-Webster Online Dictionary: the green round or oval juicy fruit of a shrub or small tree (Feijoa sellowiana) of the myrtle family that is native to South America and is grown commercially especially in New Zealand; also : the tree or shrub). Feijoas are delicious... Anyway, back to my story. The neighbor came over with her lovely offering and told us we could borrow her bikes or ask her for advice any time. How sweet. Stuff like that never happens! The feijoas were super yummy and made our fruit salad this morning somethin' special. The grapes, however, were old and a bit gross, so we put them to good use: we had a grape shooting war off the deck into the backyard. Picture this (because I forgot to take a photo), a line of grapes about twenty long all perched on the deck railing, and then "Ready, Aim, FIRE!!!" as we pelted each grape out towards the clothes line as fast as our fore fingers could flick! It was fun. I hate to report that I actually drooled again today. I was smiling and laughing and making a lunch sandwich, leaning over the sandwich... yes, I drooled onto the open sandwich. Gross. I told Brian I'd eat that one and he could have the drool-free sandwich... The only reason I'm admitting to this yet again on my blog is because I think I've come up with a viable reason for the drool: my wisdom tooth is moving (I'm sure you remember that story), and so basically, you could say that I'm teething, right? Babies who are teething drool a lot, right? I think this explanation fits well, and I hope that once I get that tooth extracted, or it stops shifting around then the drooling will cease as well. Oh, let's hope.


At 11:11 p.m., May 31, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dee, thanks for the letter with the squished curry, perkynanas, chocolate fish, bumper sticker and... well... let's just say "more." What I want to know is, did you drool the curry onto the paper, or intentially smush it on there?

Beautiful rings, you two. Very, very cool.



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