Sunday, June 10, 2007

Beer and Pie Don't Mix

A few days ago, Brian and I picked up some lard at the grocery store and tried our hands at making an apple pie. It isn't quite as easy as we thought it should be, and had we refrained from drinking Heinekin beer during the whole pie-making process, it may have come out fine. I think, though, that for every down point the beer brought us, Mr. Diamond's lyrics brought us back up to par... Neil belt out some great tunes for us on the ol' ghetto blaster in the kitchen. I think this photo on Neil's cover is a bit on the creepy side, but we'll let that slide because it is, after all, Neil Diamond.
For some strange reason our pie tastes better cold than it did right out of the oven... but at least it is quite edible, and we've feasted on it every day since we made it. We'll have another go of the whole pie-making process next week, pas de beer, and perhaps after consulting with my Uncle Bert on the perfect pastry recipe. That's guaranteed sweet golden results!
We won't be sharing our pies with our co-workers at Kathmandu until we do a better job of it, but perhaps we can share our banana muffins because boy-oh-boy those are taste-a-licious (thanks Brian)! By the way, the job selling gear and clothes is great. The people we work with are fantastic and fun, and we juggle hacky sacs at work. It's all in the name of customer entertainment and a bit of employee stress relief.
Today is our day off, so Brian and I are looking for a place to house sit or rent for the coming months. One of our coworkers, Stacy from Victoria, BC (woo-hoo!), is looking for a place as well, so we're starting our own family. We just need a pad to chill out after work and hold Stitch and Bitch parties where we gab while we knit and crochet. We've switched the name to 'Stitch and Ba-a-ah' for the sake of talking about our club in ear shot of customers. It's going to be good times multiplied by 2.3! Can't wait. We will also be looking for free furniture if anyone has anything useful for us....
And before I go, I wanted to share with you my new decorations on Brian's diary. I quite like it. He said he'll get used to it, but he really digs the "Books Are Stellar" part. Who wouldn't? I hope he doesn't get beaten up because of that...


At 8:55 p.m., June 10, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know who has THE BEST pie crust recipe ever? Madeleine. Seriously. But she uses Crisco, which may or may not be available in New Zee....

Greetings to you from Edmonton! I'm at the Courtyard Marriot overlooking the river, and it's quite purdy. Edmonton says to say hi to Brian.

And yeah, I agree -- Neil looks a bit spookified there. Sorry, Neil.

From Alberta with love,

At 9:34 a.m., June 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's hilarious you have a stich and bitch group! My mom and her friends have had one since I was little, except now they don't really stich anymore.....LOL!

It's a very versatile concept, for instance my girls and I figured instead of kidding ourselves that we would stich at all we decided to start a group called beer and bitch! Anyway, I like the "BAAAH" part, so cute.

Have fun in your new home sweets, and of course congrats again :)

Love & Light,


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