Monday, July 16, 2007

Where's the camera when you need it?

Of course, when faced with a sixty-year-old woman dressed in fishnet stockings, fire-engine red stiletto heels, a rather daring and see-through top ensemble, rather excessively extended fake eyelashes with sparkles, and ravishing red lipstick, one would love to take a portrait. And the desire to photograph such a person quadruples when you realize the woman lounging sexily on the Ches lounge before you is actually a man. You're probably wondering where I was in the sweet little town of Nelson to view such a display of utter awesomeness: where else could it be but the midnight showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show! About twelve of us joined together wearing wigs, make-up and bras on the outside of our winter clothing to go and see the cult film in all its glory. Brian looked rather dashing in Hazel's pink and black lace bra (I especially liked the traditional striped sport socks filling the empty cups). The only problem of the evening was that I had terribly hard core period cramps that didn't respond much to heavy doses of Advil Liquid Gel Migraine pills or the warmth of a hot water bottle until right before we left to see the show. Ugh... The beginning of the movie was great with all the audience participation and such, but I found it hard to shake my groove thing to "It's a jump to the left! And then a step to the right-right-right-right! With your hands on your hips! You bring your knees in tight! But it's the pelvic thrust! That really drives you insane! Let's do the time warp again!!" You kind of have to be there to get it, but even with that I was getting a headache from the lousy recording sound excessively blaring out of the massive speakers positioned a mere six feet from my head. Brian and I decided to leave at the point in the movie where Dr. Frank-N-Furter serves Meatloaf for dinner (Meatloaf the singer). I think we timed it just right because that's where the movie takes a real turn and becomes even more strange than thought humanly possible, plus all the people watching are getting tired because it's 1:30 AM and they have been drinking excessively for about five hours or more and their costumes are likely becoming rather uncomfortable due to constriction in places I'd rather not mention.


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