Monday, July 16, 2007

Perogi Night exceeded all expectations!

Speaking of weird movies, we watched The Trailer Park Boys movie at Perogi Night last week. I've never actually watched an entire episode of that show before. I remember seeing it on television when I lived in Halifax and I shut it off promptly due to excessive swearing and a less than desirable plot regarding drinking, growing pot, and stealing money. But at Perogi Night, surrounded by a room full of over-carbed perogi people ready to pass out from overeating, I actually quite enjoyed the free entertainment, and even caught myself laughing - a lot. Bubbles does have that certain kind of strange charm... It's certainly one of those films that you have to be in the right mood for, and I suppose the combination of being semi-comatose with the sleepy-giggles was perfect. Plus it was wonderfully reminiscent to see glimpses of downtown Halifax, and who couldn't love ugly, dumpy Sackville just north of Halifax? That place stinks. As for the perogies... Well, don't tell Martha Montie (my grandma), but these perogies were on par with hers. [Gasp!!]
Stacy and Andrew did a fine job creating PLENTY of these little doughey pleasures. And it looks like they had fun doing it too. Dallen made a big pot of homemade borsht which flavour was enhanced by the tea mugs it was served in (the kitchen at Andrew and Bella's lacks almost as many dishes as our house).
The cooking process was as serious as could be when dealing with hot butter and bacon. Bella put on her night vision perogi goggles for the task.
One of the guests of honour that night was a wee rat called Little One. Little One and Rat Bag are Andrew and Bella's pet rats. They are super, and friendly, and pee on you if they get too excited. I am sad to report that Perogi Night was the last time I saw Little One. She was put down last week because of a tumor on her belly. She will be dearly missed.
Ode to Little One:
Little One, you were the best.
For a rat, you passed the test.
Your family loved you, you could see.
Even though you liked to pee
On our clothes.
A new rat member of the family has now joined Rat Bag in her cage: a silvery white rat, whose name has not yet been determined. She's settling in well with Rat Bag, who has only bitten her twice.


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