Sunday, December 17, 2006

After a while, the smell goes away

My body is smelly, dirty, sweaty and awesome! Beth and I are getting used to being non-clean individuals. We reak like garlic from the harvesting we have done the past few days. Picking garlic is actually pretty fun, especially when I am listening to the band "Barley Wik" (a sort of pop-ish folk band) on my ipod. After the pickin's done, we tie groups of garlic to wires across the ceiling of the garage. I'm the only one tall enough to reach the ceiling, so I became the knot-girl.
I took a few photos of the farm we're staying at.

The main house:

Sabrina and Beth on the porch:
The kitchen...The German WOOFer, Lena: The scary as all heck doll in the living room...
That doll creeps us out. Ugh.
Well, we've made it through a week here with the girls and Pete and Sabrina and the garlic. All three of us (Beth, Lena and I) are leaving tomorrow to go check out some old forests and camp a few nights before we head to Whangarei (pronounced "Fang-ger-ay") to stay at a new WOOFing farm.


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