Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Week Plum Full of Snot in Wanaka

It's really too bad I haven't been feeling well during our stay here in Wanaka because in the "Free Food" cupboard in the crap-hostel we're staying at, there was a big, full box o'wine. That never happens.... Maybe it tastes like crap. Let's give it a go...... Um, perhaps when a wine label describes the taste as being "extra smooth", it correlates directly to the how much the wine tastes like grape juice. Yuck. The remainder of the so-called wine in our cups went down the drain. Now we understand why it was in the free cupboard.Brian and I are getting better at practicing the skillful fun of playing hacki sac. It's a great way to pretend to get exercise, especially when feeling kind of ill. We played for a while in the park in the photo below, and were proud of our tricks and then suddenly, across the street came my friend Mylene running to greet us with warm hugs! Mylene worked with me and Simon and Beth up at the old KPL fishing resort on the north coast of BC last summer. It was so great to see her! We went for a coffee and did some catching up. If I were a coffee snob, I would consistently choose the flat white with soy milk (secretly, they are my favourite, but I don't really drink coffee): Later that evening, on the side walk patio at the coffee shop in Wanaka: Golden leaves made even goldener by the street lights in the night time. Yes, 'goldener' is a word I just made up, but go with me here: Brian stayed at the hostel in bed with more feelings of illness overcoming him, and I somehow convinced myself I was feeling great and met up with Mylene's friends at a local pub. The place was smoking hot with open fires everywhere. It was nice to be near real fireplaces, but to be honest, it was super smokin' hot in the pub. Too hot for me. If I were feeling better I would have sat at the table in my knickers. Oh well, at least the fires made for a nice photo: When I returned back to our humble hostel abode, I found Brian looking all nice and warm and snuggled under the covers. I am a firm believer that the best recipe for health and wellness when you are sick is a nice, big bed, warm covers, a big smile, and the prospect of a soundless sleep cuddled next to your loved one.


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