Strong Green Mitts

The adventures of Dee and Brian: From New Zealand travels to their bicycle tour from San Francisco, CA to Vancouver, BC, to daily life in Nelson, BC. This site should now be called "Dee-Post-New-Zee"...
Um... So, my old digital camera got some sand in the lens this past summer while I was getting dropped off by a helicopter on a remote beach on the north coast of BC (long story) and it hasn't been able to work since then...
Oh, the wonderful challenges of packing a single bag... I've been thinking about what to bring with me to the land of the kiwis for a while now. The ideas floating around vary between being super prepared to packing as little as possible. For example, I was thinking of packing my down jacket which would keep me warm during the winter months and double as a soft and very welcome pillow while camping or staying in hostels. Do I bring my heavy four-season tent or go buy the rediculously light Hubba Hubba tent (2.1kg) from MEC?