Sunday, September 09, 2007

Bicycle, Bus, Boat, or Motorcycle?

All of the methods of transportation in the title have been used by me in the past week. Ferry rides to Vancouver Island, bike trip to Thetis Lake for a swim, sailing trip to Sydney Spit, dingy ride in Patches (the multiple-patched dingy) to see the psycho deer, a bus ride with a crossword puzzle book to Vancouver, a motorcycle ride to Horseshoe Bay, and a few plain ol' car rides tossed in there too (with the exception of the non-plain car ride where five of the family girls were stuck in a traffic jam in Romy's Echo on the highway for an hour, so we entertained ourselves - and many others - by dancing in our seats while listening to and singing along with ABBA cranking out of the speakers). It's been a great week, and it is really lovely to reconnect with friends and family.


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