I succumbed to "25 Things About Dee"
Sometimes on email, or recently on Facebook, lists get sent around concerning things you might not know about the person who sent you the message. I kind of detest these things because usually they have stupid questions like, "What's your favourite colour?" or "Who do you think is most likely to respond back to you?" That's pathetic; however, I like it when the questions are inventive, or like in the most recent backlash of lists is Facebook's rampant "25 Things About Me" list, where you can make up your own list. Being a bit more of an outsideofthebox kind of gal, I got inspired by some other friends of mine who filled their list out with really interesting things about them, and so decided to write my own list of 25 Things About Dee: 1. I'd rather be naked than wear super-tight jeans. 2. I think I just got certified as a Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Practitioner. 3. My logical mind comes from a strong line of mechanical Monties. 4. If I don't get outside at least once a day, I feel like I die just a little bit. 5. I frequent Steve-o-Reno's for a decaf coffee and a brownie more than I'd like to admit (but at least I bring my own stainless steel mug). 6. I've married a man who looks like my twin but with less hair. 7. I buy my husband children's books for presents so that we have a kick-ass library of fun kids books when we actually do pop out a little wee-kid one day. 8. Brian and I read these kids books together in bed before falling asleep. 9. I need twenty minutes of lounging in bed under the warm covers before I can even think about getting up. 10. My best friend, Sarah, has had that title since 1992. 11. I write Haiku's about bacon, and as birthday wishes for friends when I remember to. 12. I love the Halifax market on Saturday mornings between 8:00 and 9:00 AM, but if I get there later than that I definitely get 'market rage'. 13. I haven't owned a television in ten years. 14. If a television is on in a room, I cannot divert my eyes no matter how hard I try. 15. I am a photographer of nature, of small things, of people, and I used to sell my photos as greeting cards at the Halifax market back in 2004. 16. I love, LOVE movies. Good movies. 17. I got married in a park, with a keg of beer, a canoe, and 75 of our closest friends and family. 18. I secretly wish I could sing like Jen Grant. 19. Sometimes when I take other people's yoga classes, I get really resistant to their control over what I'm doing, so I do other things just to be doing something different. 20. I write about shit like #19 in my journal to try to understand the inner workings of Dee and how to grow into who I really am. 21. I say I hate lists like this, but I really like reading other people's answers. 22. My spare time is sucked up by jobs right now, and I can't wait to have more space to play, to paint, to run around, and do anything I desire. 23. I'm considering cropping my hair super short again because longer hair is too hard to manage, and I haven't used a hair dryer in three years, so I need my 'style' to be easy. 24. The food I buy and prepare now is completely different from what I ate ten years ago - I care about buying local, eating fresh food, and dropping the amount of flour and sugar and milk I ingest. I cook differently too, which is nice. 25. Sometimes I see myself in a window reflection and think, "Holy shit, I look really pretty today! Right on!"